The Board of Education comprises nine members elected at large by citizens registered to vote in the City School District of New Rochelle. Board of Education members receive no salary or compensation for their service.
City School District of New Rochelle Board of Education members are charged with a very important responsibility: oversight of the education of our community's youth. Their primary responsibility is to establish policies regarding the educational programs and management of the school district. Other duties include:
Long-range planning and approval of annual school district goals and objectives
Appointing all school district personnel to meet the goals and objectives set forth
Proposing an annual school district budget to voters - consistent with education needs and community resources - and overseeing its expenditures
Evaluating the effectiveness of school district programs and services
Establishing conditions for sustained leadership that advance the school district toward excellence and equity
Negotiating employment agreements with the staff's bargaining units
Communicating the needs and progress of the school district to the community, educational governing boards, and legislators
Selecting the Superintendent of Schools
For additional information, please contact Millie Bonilla, District Clerk and Secretary, to the Board of Education, at (914) 576-4219 or