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Magnet Lottery

The Magnet Lottery will be open from March 5, 2025, through March 25, 2025. Please note the links will not be active until March 5.

Click here for the English Application

Click here for the Spanish Application

For students who are granted a magnet seat and require special education services, please know the Office of Special Education will determine school assignment. To that end, the Office of Special Education will inform you of your child’s assigned school. For more information, please contact the Office of Special Education by calling 914-576-4267.

Para todos los estudiantes a quienes se les otorga un asiento magnet y requieren servicios de educación especial, se les informa que el departamento de educación especial determinará la asignación escolar. Con ese fin, la oficina de educación especial le informará la escuela asignada para su hija/hijo. Para obtener más información comuníquese con la oficina de educación especial al 914-576-4267.

For additional information regarding magnet programming, call the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at (914) 576-4622, or email

Magnet Program

Magnet Schools are founded on five pillars: diversity, innovative curriculum and professional development, academic excellence, high-quality instructional systems, and family and community partnerships. Magnet programs in New Rochelle are visionary, innovative, and open to all students.  Opportunities are designed to provide students with diverse experiences in learning. Diversity is a cornerstone to offering students a global educational experience. Currently, the schools providing a magnet approach to learning are Columbus Elementary School, Barnard Early Childhood Center, and Daniel Webster Elementary School. The lottery will be managed online to make it easier for families to register once they have accepted their seat.

How does the lottery work?  

  • Parents/Guardians will return to this page on or after March 5, 2025 to enter the lottery if they are seeking an alternative to their home school.  Parents/Guardians will then complete an application for each child they would like to enter into the lottery.

  • The final day to submit an entry for the lottery is March 25, 2025.

  • The lottery will take place on  April 2, 2025, and parents/guardians will be notified of their placement(s). Parents/Guardians will then make their selection(s).

  • Once a selection has been made, parents/guardians will ‘accept’ their seat(s).

  • Parents/Guardians may then proceed to complete student(s) registration. 

For additional information regarding magnet programming, call the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at (914) 576-4622, or email

You may access the Office of Registration here

students art

The Magnet Lottery for the 2025-2026 school year will open on March 5, 2025.

For the 2025-2026 school year, the Magnet Lottery will open on March 5, 2025. All Magnet Lottery entries are to be submitted by Friday, March 25, 2025.


Barnard places a strong emphasis on language development with a unique focus on cognitive and social development of each child. Students engage in learning activities aligned to the New York State Preschool Common Core Standards and District-Wide learning outcomes in a safe and nurturing environment. Early Literacy Skills, Mathematics, Sciences, and Technology are integrated into creative instruction. Children have many opportunities to develop their multiple intelligences and competencies in all subject areas. 

Pre-Kindergarten at Barnard is offered via two pathways: UPK for one year or Magnet Pre-K as part of a four-year sequence, Pre-K-2. Students can apply for the magnet in any grade. The magnet four-year sequence for children starts in Pre-Kindergarten and includes:

  * Pre-Kindergarten Half-day Classes (age 4 by Dec. 31)

  * Full-Day Kindergarten Classes (age 5 by Dec. 31)

  * Full-Day Grades One and Two Classes

If you are interested in learning more, please visit the New Rochelle Pre-Kindergarten webpage here or Barnard's website here.

Barnard will host an in-person open house on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:00pm (English) and 7:00pm (Spanish).


Columbus Elementary School provides an enriched instructional curriculum with emphasis on Science, Math, and Technology. School activities, as well as after-school programs, such as the Chess Club, which recently won a national championship, are organized to demonstrate that all students can meet and exceed the highest standards of excellence, discovery, inquiry, debate, and public demonstration. Young scientists are encouraged to wonder and make sense of natural phenomena; young mathematicians must develop increasingly efficient and flexible ways to operate on numbers and must model and defend their discoveries and problem solving before classmates. Students present their original writing and math/science inquiry publicly to the school community. Coding and robotics challenges are the foundation of students’ work in technology classes. Students collaborate and solve STEM related engineering problems both physically and in computer-based, digital design environments during the day and after school in robotics clubs. After school enrichment, clubs, and tutoring are key components of C=SMT.    

If you are interested in learning more, please visit the Columbus' Website here .

Columbus will host an in-person open house on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 6:30pm.


Webster educates the whole child. Operating as a model Magnet School since 1985, Daniel Webster Elementary School has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a Blue Ribbon School. Webster has a rich Arts and Humanities program that focuses on providing access to special enrichment programs that contribute to academic success.  Considerations are given to students' interests, and how integrating the arts into daily learning experiences allows for creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving. The school facility, which includes a Dance Studio, a Learning Garden, and a Student Kitchen, allows for special programming.  Students in all grades experience the Studio Arts, a ten-week program focused on either visual or performing arts. Children work in small groups, exploring an art form of their choice. Studios include, but are not limited to, architectural design, cartooning, dance, recycled art, theater, weaving, and bookmaking.  Throughout the year, students in the 4th and 5th grades may join the Webster Singers, a group that selects and performs songs from pop culture. Webster students have multiple opportunities to perform on stage, with full productions taking place in both 2nd and 4th grades, as well as, a school-wide production for students in grades 2 through 5. 

If you are interested in learning more, please visit the Daniel Webster website here.

Webster will host an in-person open house on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 6:30pm.