The Magnet Lottery will be open from March 5, 2025, through March 25, 2025. Please note the links will not be active until March 5.
Click here for the English Application
Click here for the Spanish Application
For students who are granted a magnet seat and require special education services, please know the Office of Special Education will determine school assignment. To that end, the Office of Special Education will inform you of your child’s assigned school. For more information, please contact the Office of Special Education by calling 914-576-4267.
Para todos los estudiantes a quienes se les otorga un asiento magnet y requieren servicios de educación especial, se les informa que el departamento de educación especial determinará la asignación escolar. Con ese fin, la oficina de educación especial le informará la escuela asignada para su hija/hijo. Para obtener más información comuníquese con la oficina de educación especial al 914-576-4267.
For additional information regarding magnet programming, call the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at (914) 576-4622, or email