"How to" Resources
Importance of Attendance

Mental Health Awareness Month

City of New Rochelle Resource Guide
The City of New Rochelle has updated their directory of organizations. Click on button below to view resources and supports. You can email newrostrong@newrochelleny.com if you have any questions.
Family Resource Guide
The Family Resource Guide contains information on how to find various resources via the Health Empowerment Tool and hotlines addressing specific needs. Local community partners who provide services to New Rochelle families and school-based supports are also highlighted. The guide is available to download as a PDF and the hyperlinks will work if view on an electronic device.
Please email communityinput@nredlearn.org if you would like to provide organization information.
The Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health’s (DCMH) Directory of Community Services
This directory is designed with streamlined entries to help you find agencies offering different assistance services
. The Department of Community Mental Health works with a broad range of local providers to address issues of mental illness, intellectual and developmental disabilities and alcohol and substance abuse.