Polling Locations

SED 1 - Henry Barnard School
The auditorium lobby is being used for voting
The auditorium entrance on Barnard will be utilized as a voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the road and parking spaces reserved (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit routes will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 2 - Columbus Elementary School
Choral/music room is being used for voting
Choral/music room entrance on Washington will be utilized as the voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the road and parking spaces reserved (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit routes will allow for no contact or interaction with students

SED 3 - Davis Elementary School
Gymnasium is being used for voting
Gymnasium entrance off courtyard from Iselin will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at reserved voter parking spaces on Iselin (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit routes will allow for no contact or interaction with students

SED 4 - Jefferson Elementary School
The auditorium lobby is being used for voting
The auditorium entrance on Weyman will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the road with reserved parking spots on Emmett (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 5 - 95 Lincoln Avenue
Community Room is being used for voting
Front entrance on 95 Lincoln Avenue will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the road with spaces reserved in the parking lot located behind the building (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with community members

SED 6 - New Rochelle High School
Whitney Young Auditorium lobby is being used for voting
Whitney Young Auditorium entrance on Clove will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the road with reserved parking spots on Emmett (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 7 - Trinity Elementary School
The gymnasium is being used for voting
The gymnasium entrance on Pelham will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the reserved parking spots on Pelham (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 8 - Albert Leonard Middle School
The auditorium lobby is being used for voting
The auditorium entrance on the traffic circle will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be on the traffic circle at the reserved parking spots (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 9 - Webster Elementary School
The auditorium lobby is being used for voting
The auditorium entrance on Glenmore will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the road with reserved parking spots (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 10 - Isaac E. Young Middle School
The old gymnasium is being used for voting
The main entrance on Centre Avenue will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking will be reserved in the lower lot with a sign at the road by the gate (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 11 - Fire Station #1 (45 Harrison Street)
Fire truck bay is being used for a voting location
The voting entrance is the entrance at 45 Harrison Street (green triangle)
The voter parking sign will be at the road and parking spaces will be reserved behind the station on Cedar Street (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit routes will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with other voters

SED 12 - Ward Elementary School
The multipurpose room is being used for voting
The multipurpose room entrance in the lower parking lot will be utilized as voting entrance (green triangle)
Voter parking will be reserved in the lower lot with a sign (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit route will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with students

SED 13 - 570 5th Avenue
The entrance to the right of the main doors will be used for voting
Entrance on 570 5th Avenue will be utilized (green triangle)
Voter parking sign will be at the road and parking spaces will be reserved in the parking lot (blue triangle)
"Vote Here" sign (orange triangle)
Voters planned entrance and exit routes will allow for limited or no contact or interaction with other voters