The City School District of New Rochelle is continuing to refresh its Strategic Roadmap, including updating the underpinnings of its foundation. The Board of Education approved the school district’s refreshed Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs. The vote came after earlier workshops to consider key pillars and finalize wording. The newly approved statements:
Vision: The City School District of New Rochelle is a trusting, collaborative, and innovative high-performing educational organization that challenges, celebrates, and nurtures the whole child.
Mission: The City School District of New Rochelle is committed to fostering a safe environment and providing a high-quality education that is authentic, inclusive, collaborative, and prepares the whole child to engage in a diverse world.
Core Beliefs: We believe…
- in the pursuit of equity, excellence, inclusion, and growth to drive academic outcomes;
- schools should be safe, joyous places of learning;
- students thrive with empowered families, school staff, and community partnerships;
- the diversity of our schools is a gift;
- every student and staff member is worthy of intellectual, social, and emotional respect and support;
- in providing student-driven, varied, rigorous, and innovative learning experiences;
- in educating and developing the whole child, fostering a sense of belonging, and incorporating student voice;
- our staff is central to the success of our mission; and
- multiple perspectives, histories, cultures, and hopes of our students, families, and community at large are to be honored/respected.