The City School District of New Rochelle has a robust and ever-evolving safety and security plan because nothing is more important than the well-being of its students.
School district Director of Security Lisa-Marie Newkirk and Steve Newman, a school district math teacher on special assignment, provided a safety and security update to the Board of Education.
They detailed numerous steps to ensure that security efforts are “connected to our students,” focused on prevention, and ensuring that initiatives empower students and staff. For instance, they reported that 10 new hires have been made to the security team, and another 17 part-time employees are now full-time. A range of technology – new laptops, cameras, radios and more – is now being used, and training on numerous fronts is being conducted.
These include crisis-prevention intervention, the roles of school monitors, school drills, and efforts related to social and emotional learning. In addition, “to-go” bags containing essential supplies for an emergency are now stored outside schools so they’re quickly accessible if needed.
“We are excited to partner with parents and students and schools,” Newkirk said, noting that security leaders often are on site when schools conduct safety drills.
Superintendent Jonathan Raymond noted the importance of increased staffing and training, and the security efforts underline the crucial importance of continuous refinement and the use of best practices.