Where can fourth-graders experience Atlantic silverside fish, grass shrimp, and a snowy egret?
Terri Agravat’s fourth-grade STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) class at Trinity Elementary School did just that during a trip to Hudson Park recently while participating in the Sound Stewards Program, led by Lilli Genovesi of Long Island Sound Study. They were joined by a marine science educator, Dr. Meghan Marrero from the Mercy College Center for STEM Education.
The students observed those marine organisms and conducted water testing to measure temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen. This experiential, hands-on learning allowed students to deepen their connections to their local environment and fostered scientific inquiry and environmental stewardship.
The students had an amazing time. “The trip was so much fun,” said student Suwaida Lawal. “My favorite part was holding the Atlantic silverside fish, which was alive, in my hands so we could measure its length. I never held a live fish before!"