The African American/Latino Opportunity/Achievement Gap Task Force continues to meet every two weeks with the objective to address the persistent opportunity and achievement gaps between our African American and Latino students and those of their Caucasian peers.
This task force has 28 members, including parents, students, community members, plus school and central office staff. The goal of this broad-based coalition is to identify the root causes and propose recommendations that will be used to address practice and policy. Findings will be shared with the Board of Education and community later this spring.
Under the leadership of facilitator Dr. Mark Gooden, the task force has met four times and has engaged in collective learning and the analysis of a series of data, including graduation rates, Advanced Placement access, special education, attendance, suspensions, and student achievement. During upcoming weeks, the Task Force will continue to deepen its understanding and will craft a set of evidenced-based recommended practices and actions intended to help transform the system. These will be available in June.