Superintendent Jonathan Raymond

City School District of New Rochelle Superintendent Jonathan Raymond held his monthly Town Hall meeting last week and discussed the proposed 2022-23 school district budget. He said the proposed budget reflects the school district’s values of excellence and equity and makes judicious use of federal, state, and local resources to keep the tax levy increase at 0.98%, significantly below the tax cap of 2.345%.

On May 17, voters also will consider a bond proposition to provide necessary cash flow to complete post-Hurricane Ida repairs to the New Rochelle High School library and pool and Isaac E. Young Middle School until state and federal reimbursement is received.

Highlights of the proposed $298,760,957 operating budget include:

  • Adding a Dance Teacher at Isaac E. Young Middle School to open pathways for more students to access our Performing and Visual Arts in Education (PAVE) program.
  • Adding a second Science Research Teacher at New Rochelle High School who will expand the program’s reach into middle and elementary schools.
  • Bringing our school district into compliance with state regulations by hiring 21 special education and English as a New Language teachers.
  • Retaining 25 newly hired full-time security staff for our middle and high schools.
  • Adding laptops, iPads and smart boards for our students and classrooms.
  • Leveraging pandemic relief dollars to support:
  • The addition of 15 teaching/staff positions to further address unfinished learning and wellness, including creating a Dean of Students position for each middle school to focus on attendance, conflict resolution, and social-emotional learning.
  • Adding teachers at Huguenot Academy to create access for more ninth graders.
  • Expanded after-school and summer school programs.

Learn more about the proposed budget at