The City School District of New Rochelle offers an enriched Language Arts and Mathematics program to all children in the 4th and 5th grades. This program is known as Full-Time District Kaleidoscope housed at Webster School.
The Full-Time Kaleidoscope Program draws students from the six elementary schools in our city. Students receive instruction in all content areas as a self-contained unit while also taking part in the school-wide activities. Emphasis in this program is on the development of high-level thinking skills, guiding students in the creation of unique learning projects, and recognizing the interrelated nature of all knowledge.
An invitation to participate in the Full-Time District Kaleidoscope Programs is extended to those children who meet specific entry requirements. The minimum criteria that all students who are involved in these programs must meet are set annually. Once the District reviews the end year results of the Reading and Math on-line STAR assessments, we will calibrate the percentile rank scores that an individual student must receive on each of these achievement tests to be considered for entry into the Full-Time Kaleidoscope Program.
In qualifying for the District Kaleidoscope Program, a student must meet two, three or four of the criteria below and demonstrated baseline mastery on both the STAR ELA and STAR Math or the NYS ELA and Math assessments.
• 1) Scored 94% or above on the STAR Grade 3 ELA assessment.
• 2) Scored 94% or above on the STAR Grade 3 Math assessment.
• 3) Received a national percentile score of 99, 98, and 97 on the InView Test of Cognitive Skills.
• 4) Received the top score in his or her homeroom on the Renzulli-Hartman Creativity Index.
• 5) Received a combined score of 15 or 16 on two student writing samples.
First priority will be afforded those students who meet all five of the entrance criteria. Second priority will be afforded those students who meet four of the entrance criteria. Third priority will be given to those students who meet three of the criteria. And finally, fourth priority will be given to those students who qualify by only meeting two of the criteria. That is to say, seats will be offered to students who meet three or more of the entrance criteria before students who qualify with two entry windows can be considered for placement. Transportation will be provided for all Full-Time Kaleidoscope students who live at least 1.5 miles from Webster School.
The District conducts a periodic review of the Kaleidoscope Programs. The purpose of this review is to insure that the instructional models which are put in place best meet the needs of high ability children and accurately reflect the current research on gifted and talented education.
For any further questions, please contact (914) 576-6780
District Kaleidoscope Program