Greetings Dolphins & Guests,
Thank you for visiting our site!
Davis is a vibrant K to 5 community dedicated to embracing our beautiful diversity to drive our success every day, for every child. Davis welcomes you, whether you are an incoming, current, or former family - you're always a Davis Dolphin! Our site is always making improvements and adding new content. If there's something that you're looking for that you cannot find, just let us know.
In the meantime, below are several contact points if you have any questions.
Anthony Bambrola, Principal - anthonybambrola@nredlearn.org
Laurie Marinaro, Assistant Principal - lmarinaro@nredlearn.org
Main Office - Joanie Dalbon (jdalbon@nredlearn.org), Sylvia Trister (strister@nredlearn.org), & Gloria Duarte (gduarte@nredlearn.org)