Reading and Writing
This year, students will read various texts and use self-monitoring strategies in order to determine the meaning of the text. They will also learn how to make connections between text and self, text and text, and text and the world. Students will demonstrate comprehension of fiction and non-fiction texts through a variety of responses. Students will understand how to determine the theme of a text and they will analyze various aspects of stories and characters.
This year, students will write in a variety of styles within the genres of fiction and non-fiction. They will take part in all steps of the writing process, including pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. They will learn how to fully develop all aspects of a narrative including establishment of a setting, character development, dialogue, internal thinking, and sensory details. Students will explore the structure of a well-developed essay which includes an introduction, the body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
This year, students will spend a significant period of the school year building upon their understanding of multiplication and division. Students will study multiplication through the use of arrays, multiplicative comparisons, factors and multiples. It is expected that students are fluent in their multiplication and division facts and can fluently multiply and divide within 100. Various strategies will be introduced in order to encourage flexibility and efficiency within their mathematical understanding. Students will encounter multi-step problems in multiplication and division and will be expected to reason like a mathematician and represent their thinking in a variety of ways.
Students will build on their data knowledge by collecting, analyzing, and representing it. We will study various topics such as heights of first graders and fourth graders by collecting data, representing the data on multiple displays, and analyzing it. Students will measure the length of objects and find the perimeter and area of shapes. They will classify right, obtuse, and acute angles. Students will also measure and draw angles. Students will explore the relationships between fractions, decimals, and whole numbers.
Overall, in the fourth grade, students are becoming more efficient in their problem solving by using what they know to solve new problems as well as with explaining their thinking and trying to understand others.