Information for Voters: How to vote, where, and voting items for the proposed budget and Board of Education election May 17, 2022. Details:
almost 3 years ago, Daylin Salas
Proposed Budget English
Proposed Budget Spanish
Help High School Teacher Anthony Stirpe Win an Award for Theatreworks! Details:
almost 3 years ago, Gabrielle Feilen
Information for Voters: School Budget and Board of Education Election Details:
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Green
Schools Closed Monday, May 2, 2022 in Observance of Eid al-Fitr Details:
almost 3 years ago, Daylin Salas
iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Instructions: Use your phone to scan this QR code to view a video
almost 3 years ago, Columbus
QR code to view how to use test kit.
Columbus Basketball Final! Saturday 12:30 at the HS. 4/9
almost 3 years ago, Columbus
Art Show Friday, 4/7. Ms. Koehler's class and families. During the winter months Ms. Koehler held an Art Show at lunch time once a week with her second graders. The first week they learned about an artist and the second week they produced an inspired art piece. This Friday at 6:00 in the cafeteria, we are holding an Art Show for their families. The kids are so excited! On Tuesday, students got all the artwork on the walls. Students determined the layout of the pieces. The writing for each artist was a shared writing piece. Students told Ms. Koehle how they wanted the artist's names designed. For the actual night we will have crafts for students and children so students also figured out the crafts and had to problem solve and organize the materials. Some students wrote poetry based upon the work. For their Biography mini-unit there are students writing about one of the artists. This is why the Arts and the work that Leah, Christina, Cindy and Hugh do with our kids is so vital. It inspires them to be so much more! Watching the kids during the Residencies was amazing.
almost 3 years ago, Columbus
Student Art
Student Art
Student Art displayed on walls in Cafeteria.
Columbus Boys Soccer Game: April 23 vs. Ridgeway School On the Great Lawn @SUNY Purchase
almost 3 years ago, Columbus
soccer ball
Spring Recess April 11-15 Details:
almost 3 years ago, Daylin Salas
• The Columbus-Mascaro Saturday Soccer League will begin on April 23rd! Once again, there is no cost for Columbus students as our partners and neighbors from the Mascaro Clubhouse, along with our district, can cover all the costs! We will send out registration forms in a week or so!
almost 3 years ago, Columbus
New Mask Guidance from New York State. Details:
about 3 years ago, Kevin Green
Magnet Lottery Entry Begins March 9 Details:
about 3 years ago, Daylin Salas
Registration is now open for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten! Details:
about 3 years ago, Daylin Salas
Effective March 2, the City School District of New Rochelle will discontinue our COVID-19 related “No Visitor'' Policy during school hours. Principals will continue to schedule appointments during the school day at their discretion. School events, parent-teacher conferences, and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meetings may take place either in-person or virtually. Details:
about 3 years ago, Daylin Salas
New Strategic Roadmap: Your Input Requested:
about 3 years ago, Kevin Green
Superintendent Jonathan Raymond Outlines Next Steps in School District’s Strategic Planning Process:
about 3 years ago, Kevin Green
Mid-Winter Recess Feb. 21-25 - City School District of New Rochelle schools will be closed for Mid-Winter Recess from Monday, Feb. 21 through Friday, Feb. 25. School district offices are closed Monday, Feb. 21 and Friday, Feb. 25. Schools and offices reopen on Monday, Feb. 28.
about 3 years ago, Kevin Green
Potential Receipt of P-EBT Cards: Recepción potencial de tarjetas P-EBT:
about 3 years ago, Kevin Green
Board of Education Meets Virtually Tonight The Board of Education meets tonight at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. The Board anticipates making a motion to go immediately into Executive Session to meet with district counsel and discuss the employment history of particular person(s), which may lead to the appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person. At the conclusion of the executive session, the Board will reconvene in public and immediately make a motion to adjourn. No official action will be taken. The public will not be permitted to attend the meeting in person or at the remote locations where Board of Education members will be. The public portion of the meeting will be accessible to the public through Zoom at this link:
about 3 years ago, Angelica Haase
Attention hot cocoa lovers! William B. Ward Elementary School needs your help with a survey! The #HotCocoaProject teaches students about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics education) and how to investigate data. Students collaborated to identify what information they wanted to know and brainstormed questions to get survey respondents’ hot cocoa preferences. Now, it’s your turn! Help these young data scientists by taking the survey at this link: Thank you and stay warm!
about 3 years ago, Angelica Haase