Join us for Tonight's Town Hall featuring the re-launch of My Brothers Keeper(MBK) in person or via Zoom at : https://zoom.us/j/99153518396

Join us for the Board of Education meeting tonight. The Audit Committee will meet in Executive Session at 6 p.m., and the BOE anticipates convening its public meeting at 7 p.m. The meeting will be at the Daniel Webster Elementary School auditorium and can be viewed on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/91890256959. Live Spanish translation will be provided.

Wednesday (November 16)
Food Pantry from 8:45 to 10:30 a.m. (all are welcome of course)
Columbus PTA meetings (@ 8:45am in the cafeteria and again on Zoom @ 6:30 pm)

Taller para padres sobre seguridad cibernética el miércoles 9 de noviembre de 2022 a las 19 horas. La Dra. Cahterine Pearlman, autora de First Phone, compartirá consejos sobre cómo mantener a los niños seguros, inteligentes y amables en línea. Para asistir, por favor regístrese en: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vApux46LTX2548pFyJ-WzA

Join us for a Parent Workshop on Online Safety on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 7 pm. Dr. Cahterine Pearlman, author of First Phone, will share tips on how to keep kids safe, smart, and kind online. To attend, please register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vApux46LTX2548pFyJ-WzA

Friday, 28th, evening (6-8pm) is the Columbus PTA Halloween Party and Dance -- show off costumes and come to dance and eat!

ENL Parent Meeting Thursday 8:45 in the Columbus Cafeteria.

Columbus PTA Meetings
First meeting September 21st.

Welcome Back to the 22-23 School Year!! Our first Columbus Cares meeting will be September 23rd at 9 AM!

Dear New Rochelle Families and Community:
Catch Superintendent Jonathan Raymond's Community Town Hall tonight 9/15 at 6 p.m. via Zoom using the following link: https://zoom.us/j/94761381179

Join us for New Rochelle Board of Education Meeting tonight at 6pm. Being live streamed via Zoom here: https://zoom.us/j/96160534551

Attention CSDNR Stakeholders: We are revamping the website menu to make things more navigable and easier to operate. Changes to all District pages will take place this afternoon 8/24/22. We appreciate your support.

Student Pass Refunds Available Here: https://5il.co/1d086
Reembolsos de pases para estudiantes disponibles aquí: https://5il.co/1d086

Student Pass Refunds Available Here: https://5il.co/1d086
Reembolsos de pases para estudiantes disponibles aquí: https://5il.co/1d086

Schools, Offices Closed Monday, June 20, in Observance of Juneteenth
Details: https://www.nred.org/article/767883

School District Providing Students and Staff with COVID-19 Rapid Tests. Details: https://conta.cc/39ypkuI

Barnard Elementary rising 3rd grade students visit Columbus. These students will join Columbus in September!

Field Day Today
Kindergarten & Fifth Grade

Schools, District Offices Closed Monday, May 30 for Memorial Day
Details: https://www.nred.org/article/749946

Sign Up for Our E-Newsletters!
Details: https://www.nred.org/article/739251