Strategic Roadmap

A New Way Forward

Our strategic roadmap with its goals and metrics will guide us as we achieve our shared vision for our district. We are creating a community of collaborative learning. Each goal is aligned with measurable outcomes to hold us accountable. These are the catalysts for achieving academic distinction, employing excellent educators, educating students who feel safe and welcome in our schools, and wisely investing valuable resources.

iyms concert



robotics team

My Brother's Keeper presentation

Vision: The City School District of New Rochelle is a trusting, collaborative, and innovative high performing educational organization that challenges, celebrates, and nurtures the whole child.

Mission: The City School District of New Rochelle is committed to fostering a safe environment and providing a high quality education that is authentic, inclusive, collaborative, and prepares the whole child to engage in a diverse world.

Core Beliefs: The City School District of New Rochelle believes: In the pursuit of equity, excellence, inclusion, and growth to drive academic outcomes; That schools should be safe, joyous places of learning; students thrive with empowered families, school staff, and community partnerships; The diversity of out school is a gift; every student and staff member is worth of intellectual, social, and emotional respect and support; In providing student driven, varied, rigorous, and innovative learning experiences; In educating and developing the whole child, fostering a sense of belonging, and incorporating student voice; Our staff is central to the success of out mission; and Multiple perspectives, histories, cultures, and hopes of our students, families, and community at large are to be honored/respected.




Shrek performance

Elementary science fair

Working with the Board of Education and the City School District of New Rochelle community, we have designed a Strategic Roadmap that focuses on four directions with clear and aligned goals

Student Learning

With a goal of providing a high quality and challenging education for every child; promoting intellectual, creative, social, emotional, and physical development of all students.

Superb Staff

With a goal of providing high quality employment service and supports that create a diverse and fair workplace that recruits, develops, and supports all staff in service of students.

Safe, Supportive, and  Connected Schools

That cultivate a safe, nurturing environment that embraces our rich diversity, incorporates students voice and need, and leverages families and community stakeholders to support the whole child.

Resource Management

Where we maximize resources and identify operational efficiencies to provide and support the delivery of high-quality education.

Student Learning Objectives

Superb Staff Objectives

Safe, Supportive, and Connected Schools Objectives

Resource Management

Reopening Art Class

Culinary Class

William B. Ward Kids

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